2022/11/24 - Birdcam added
Added a birdcam page for the live birdcam that points at the backyard bird feeder. It's experimental for now
as I work to get it configured exactly how I want.
2021/12/22 - Air quality sensor replaced
The purple air sensor was degraded due to a failed sensor. Purple replaced it under warranty so it's once again accurate for air quality readings.
2021/11/28 - Twitter account added
A twitter feed is available which tweets current weather conditions here every hour, on the hour. Glacier Pointe WX Conditions
2021/08/05 - Site update completed!
Navigation is now on the left and includes Donnelly and Dancey family history. Feel free to create an account if you are doing research on either family.
As of August 5th the new weather system hardware is in place, air quality sensor has been added and a 'ground up' re-do of all the software is finished.