Matches 151 to 200 of 368
# | Notes | Linked to |
151 | Description: Died as an infant. | Wilson, Vernon (I45)
152 | Description: Died at birth. The notes I have list the birth date as Feb 14, 1903 but lists the previous childs birth as Nov 9, 1902. This is only 3 or 4 months apart so one date is wrong | Wilson, Beckie (I50)
153 | Description: Died at birth. The notes I have list the birth date as Nov 9, 1902 but lists the next childs birth as Feb 14, 1903. This is only 3 or 4 months apart so one date is wrong. | Wilson, Goldie (I49)
154 | Description: Lot 59, Block A, Grave 3 He was a salesman for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. and is listed as a Methodist. | Wilson, Cyrus Amos (I41)
155 | Description: Maynard Hospital Description: Swedish Hospital Description: Forest Lawn Drafted into the US Army 1966-1968 | Donnelly, Paul Harold (I25)
156 | Description: My notes say she was born in a dugout type house. There is a note in her funeral record that she was born in what is now part of Union County. I'll have to check and see if the boundaries changed sometime after she was born. That seems to be the implication. | Solem, Lizzie (I163)
157 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I27)
158 | Description: Yellow Fever at the age of 10 | McDonald, Theodocia (I142)
159 | Died 11 May 1796 at 11 PM, age 50 years, 10 mos, 2 weeks, 3 days. (Church Records). | Schulz, Maria Elisabeth (I446)
160 | Died 20 May 1824 at 2:30PM age 55yrs, 6mos, 4 weeks. | Romer, Johanna Christina (I429)
161 | Died 24 Dec 1817 at 12 Noon, age 75 years, 7 mos, 2 weeks, and 2 days. (Lonzig Church Records). Listed as Master Tradesman, Miller, and Mill Owner at Grossaga. | Romer, Johann Michael (I445)
162 | Died at the home of his daughter Mrs C.R. Norris | Wilson, Robert White (I54)
163 | Died in Washington County, PA. Now Greene County. | Hayden, Jonathan (I265)
164 | Died of Tuberculosis. | Lindland, Ingeborg (I243)
165 | Edgar was her married name first. Then she was married to someone named Dean Donaldson. | Dancey, Janet Carolyn (I4)
166 | Ella remarried to a Bailey, then a Ryan so she was Ella Welch, Ella Bailey and Ella Ryan. | Gallaugher, Ella (I6)
167 | Fichbohm is a bit sketchy in my notes. I can't tell positively whatthe name is but it looks like Fichbohm. | Fichbohm, Dorythea (I195)
168 | First name may have been Leonard | Dietzman, Leo (I327)
169 | First record of him in America is Charlestown, MA in 1634, freeman in1646, m: 1st Margaret ...., d: 1649, m: 2nd 1650, Mary Brown (d/o Abraham& Lydia of Watertown. From " The Genealogy of the Descendants of Samuel Penfield" "Is said to have come from Wales in 1632, being known to his neighborsas "John, the Welshman". In John Farmer's "Genealogical Register of theFirst Settlers of New England" on p 149 is listed John Lewis ofCharlestown Mass. 1632, and one of the first settlers of Malden. "Historyof Charlestown, Mass." lists him as an inhabitant there in 1634 and asbeing admitted to the Church 10 Sept. 1644. The "History of Malden"lists John Lewis, who 'Settled on a 5 acre lot in ye common field' andgave his name to a bridge over a stream, running through his property.Lewis' bridge retained its name for many years, until brook and bridgedisappeared in development projects. The first wife of John Lewis wasMargaret ...., who died Apr. 1649. He m. (2) 10 Apr. 1650, Mary Browne,the 2nd of 6 children, b. ? Hawkedon, England, the dau. of Abraham andLydia Browne. John Lewis died in Malden 16 Sept. 1657. His wife latermarried a Mr. Cutler, as 2nd husband. This record from "Old History ofWatertown, Mass." From Charlestown Genealogies and Estates: Estate.--Had 4 acres planting ground, 1635-6. Had 10 acre lot Mysticside (1637). Possessions, 6 lots:(1) House, sw of Mill hill--N E JosephHills; S E E. Johnson; N W I. Cole; S W Crooked lane. (2) 1 acre Mysticmarshes, E of East Spring betwixt James Greene and James Matthews. (3) 1cow common. (4) 4 acres arable land--S E, Philip Drinker; S W Camb. line;N E Common; N W Thomas Squire. (5) 5 acres woods Mystic field--s,highway towards South River; N, Common; one side T Squire. (6) 23 acresWaterfield--N W Edward Johnson, John Sibley; S E Benjamin Hubbard; S W W.Dade; N E J. Woolrich. | Lewis, John (I491)
170 | Florence says she thinks he was born in Platteville, WI. He was a Methodist minister and was active during prohibition. | Dietzman, Edward Oliver (I217)
171 | Found dead on Nov 7th. Death certificate number 9872 Age 41 Cause of death determined by coroners inquest: Accidental drowning in the Hudson River. | Donnelly, John (276)
172 | Found in som records as Hannah "Burris" | Dietzman, Hannah Rosina (I470)
173 | FRANCES DONNELLY AGE: 91 WOODBRIDGE Frances Donnelly, 91, of Woodbridge died Thursday, April 10, 2008, 'at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center in Plainfield. Born in New York, Mrs. Donnelly was a resident of Fanwood for 12 years. She was employed by Chase Manhattan Bank for 15 years as a Student Loan Advisor, retiring in 1976. Mrs. Donnelly was predeceased by her husband, Joseph Donnelly, in 1991; a sister, Ann Pukala, and a son-in-law, Robert Mallalieu. Surviving are her son, James J. Donnelly and his wife, Linda of Woodbridge; two daughters, Kathryn Mallalieu of West Chester, Pa., and Phyllis Delay and her husband, Patrick, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y; two sisters, Olga Grabowsky of Toms River and Mary Midling of Holly Hill, Fla.; 13 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 a.m. Monday at the Leon J. Gerity Funeral Home, 411 Amboy Ave. (Route 35), Wood-bridge, followed by a 9 a.m. Mass at St. James R.C. Church, Woodbridge. Interment will follow at The Cemetery of the Resurrection, Staten Island., N.Y Visiting will be held 2 p.m.-4 p.m. and 7 p.m.-9 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home. From The Central New Jersey Home News New Brunswick, New Jersey 11 Apr 2008, Fri Page 17 | Lewkovich, Frances (I104)
174 | Francis and Lucy were twins. | Walsh, Francis (I408)
175 | From "The Genealogy of and Descendants of Samuel Penfield" In Bond's "History of Watertown, Mass." will be found Abraham Browne'sPedigree back to 1330, and is an accurate and reliable compilation. Seebelow. From "The Great Migration Begins" ORIGIN: Unknown MIGRATION: 1631 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Membership in Watertown church prior to 6 March 1631/2implied by freemanship. FREEMAN: 6 March 1631/2 [MBCR 1:367] EDUCATION: Frequent employment as a surveyor implies a solid basiceducation. OFFICES: Watertown selectman, 1635 through 1641, annually [WaTR 2, 3, 5,6, 7]. Appointed to several committees to lay out land and highways, andto regulate timber cutting [WaTR 1-7, 9]. ESTATE: Abraham Brown was granted twelve parcels of land in Watertown,greater both in number and in acreage than the average: ten acrehomestall; three acres of marsh; twenty-eight acre of homestall; tenacres of plowland adjoining the previous lot; six acres of uplandadjoining the preceding plot; one acre in Patch Meadow; half an acre ofmeadow with a piece of swamp; four acres of upland; a pond of one acre; afifty acre Great Dividend; ten acres in the Remote Meadows; and a farm ofone hundred and thirty acres [WaBOP 8, 11, 43, 76]. (A dispute over oneof these parcels of land arose in 1660, in which his children wereinvolved [WaTR 65-66]. By the time of the Composite Inventory he had acquired a few moreparcels, and disposed of at least one [WaBOP 21, 117]. He had obtainedtwo parcels from John Browne - six acres of upland and a Great Dividendof thirty acres [WaBOP 21, 77]. He had exchanged land with JohnCollidge, parting with his fifty acre Great Dividend and acquiring inreturn five acres of plowland and one acre of upland [WaBOP 21, 36, 92].And he purchased from Abraham Shaw one acre of marsh adjoining the threeacres that he already possessed [WaBOP 21]. The will and inventory of Abraham Browne were presented at MiddlesexCounty Court on 1 October 1650 [MPR Misc 79]. On 6 October 1691 the county court ordered that "the parties concerned inthe estate of Abraham Brown of Watertown deceased in the year 50 be sentto attend the adjournment of this court in order to a settlementthereof." On 7 October 1691 it was ordered that "Lydia Lakin of Grotonand Abraham Luist of Rumney Marsh and Mary the relict widow of JonathanBrown of Watertown and her son Abraham Brown and Georg(e) Woodard ofmuddy River and John Parkist of Watertown and all other persons concernedwith the estate of Abraham Brown of said Watertown deceased do make theirappearance ... on the first Tuesday in November next in order to a legalsettlement of the said estate." On 3 November 1691 the court appointedLt. Remington, John Ward and Thomas Greenwood "to make proposals for afull and final settlement" of "the estate of Abraham Brown Senr. ofWatertown deceased" [MPR Misc 82-83]. BIRTH: About 1600 based on approximated dob of 1st child. DEATH: Watertown in 1650, bef 1 October [MPR Misc 79, 82]. MARRIAGE: By 1631 (and by about 1627 if she was the mother of all hischildren] Lydia ____; she married 2nd Ipswich 27 November 1659 AndrewHodges; "Lydia Hoges (a widow)" died at Watertown 27 September 1686 [WaVR58]. ASSOCIATIONS: Bond published a pedigree which stated that Abraham,Richard, and John Brown of Watertown were all from Hawkedon in Suffolk,that Abraham and Richard were brothers, and that John was their nephew[Bond 116]. The pedigree was researched by Horatio Gates Somerby,arranged by William P. Browne and annotated by Bond himself. In hiscomments, Bond notes that Abraham might well be a nephew of Richardrather than a brother [Bond !122]. The claimed identification rests on only two records: the 1590 will ofThomas Brown of Hawkedon, naming five sons, including John, Richard andAbraham [Archdeaconry of Sudbury Probate Register 428 Goddard]; and the11 October 1601 baptism at Hawkedon of John Brown, son of John. Thislatter record connects tenuously with John Brown of Watertown, who was 36at his death in 1636 [WaVR 4]. Beyond this, there is no evidence in favor of the proposed connection,and some against. Nothing in the English records suggests that any ofthese people were in New England, and nothing in the New England recordspoints to Hawkesdon. In fact, there is nothing in the New Englandrecords to suggest that Richard and Abraham were brothers, and only somevery slender evidence of a connection between Abraham and John; in theWatertown land inventories, the record of John Brown's land immediatelyfollows Abraham's [which may or may not be probative], and after John'sdeath Abraham acquired two parcels of his land. Richard was a member of an independent church in London in 1616, andbefore that was a ferryman at Gravesend, which would place his birth nolater than about 1590 (and perhaps earlier], and thus on chronologicalgrounds at least he could have been the son of Thomas of Hawkedon.Abraham, on the other hand, seems to have been a decade or more younger.His eldest daughter was born about 1627 [or perhaps a year or twoearlier], and so Abraham need not have been born before about 1600, whichwould make him very close in age to John Browne of Watertown. If he was,as claimed, a son of Thomas of Hawkedon, he must have been at leatsthirty-seven years old at the birth of this first child, and perhaps eveninto his forties. Bond sets forth, and then dismisses, some strong evidence which may pointto the correct ancestry of Abraham Brown. On 1 January 1672/3 JonathanBrown of Watertown "cousin and next heir of Edmond Brown formerly ofBoston ... deceased" relinquished to Richard Taylor of Boston thereversion of two parcels of land owned by Edmond Brown, who is alsoreferred to as "uncle" by Jonathan Brown [Bond !122;SLR 8:43]. EdmondBrowne of Boston [not to be confused with Reverend Edmund Browne ofSudbury] would seem to be a brother of Abraham Browne, and this is notreflected in the Hawkedon pedigree. Much more research is necessary before anything certain can be said ofthe origins of Abraham Brown. COMMENTS: In the grant of the Remote Meadows Abraham Browne received tenacres. We can identify seven persons in the household at this time:Abraham, his wife, and five children. Under the terms of the grant, theother three acres might be granted for servants in the household, or forAbraham's holdings of livestock; in either case, he again appears asabove the norm in wealth and social standing. In Volume III of The Great Migration Begins is this passage which has notbeen widely accepted as fact: ABRAHAM BROWN, pages 244-46: Building on the conclusions in this sketch,Dean Crawford Smith has discovered the English origin of Abraham Brown.He was baptized on 22 October 1588 at Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, sonof Edmund and Mary (Cramphorne) Browne [The Ancestry of Eva BelleKempton, 1878-1908, Part I: The Ancestry of Warren Francis Kempton,1817-1879 (Boston 1996), 168-86). Abraham Brown married (1) South Weald,Essex, 21 September 1619 Joan Shelton, who was buried at South Weald on27 September 1628. Their two daughters were baptized at Childerditch,Essex, Sarah on 30 July 1620 and Hannah on 25 August 1622. AbrahamBrown did have a brother Richard, who was certainly not the Richard whocame to Watertown. Two brothers of Abraham, John, baptized atSawbridgeworth on 23 April 1598, and Edmund, baptized there on 4 May1660, did come to New England. Smith also suggests, with somereservations, that another Brown sibling, Hannah, baptized in the sameparish on 13 January 1604/5, became the wife of MATTHEW INES. | Brown, Abraham (I502)
176 | From the Argentia Parish marriage records Ellen Barron was born in "North East Placentia" | Barron, Ellen (I415)
177 | From the parish death records September 01 1920 Place: Placentia Cause: Pul. Tuberculosis Last, First: FURLONG, William Denomination: Rom Cath Age: 54 Born: Placentia Buried: Placentia Burial record lists him as "widower" which is correct. | Furlong, William (I68)
178 | From the SS Death Index: William J. Donnelly B: Feb 25, 1921 D: Mar 28, 2002 Last Residence Plainfield, NJ SSN: 120-10-5760 Is his middle name James or John? The WWII draft card lists John, at least some others show James. In the Air Force in WWII. Tailgunner on the B-24 "Tailwind" in the 467th Bomb Group. Serial Number: 32498873 Enlistment: 09 Sep 42 Fort Jay Deployed Method: Air - Southern Route Discharge Date: 20 Nov 45 07 Feb 44 - Roster of Flying Personnel Departing Wendover - 789th - SergeantE-0612 - Airplane Armorer/Gunner Duty:Gunner 11 Feb 44 - Transfer Orders from Wendover to Herington - 789th - SergeantE-0612 - Airplane Armorer/Gunner 15 Feb 44 - Crew #118-39 - 789th - SergeantE-0612 - Airplane Armorer/Gunner Duty:Gunner Mar 44 - Crew #036-R0 - 789th - Staff Sergeant - Duty:Gunner | Donnelly, William J. (I81)
179 | Grace's favorite brother. Norman had a son named Darwin who ran a huge government farm growing test seeds. | Cook, Norman (I328)
180 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Dietzman, F.L. (I7)
181 | Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn Lot 4073 Section 116 Grave 648 | Webb, Harry Hull (127)
182 | Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn Lot 4073 Section 116 Grave 648 | Donnelly, Elizabeth M (I776)
183 | Greenwood Cemetery John F. Donnelly Lot: 26318 Section: 203 Grave: 1 New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949 cn 23810 | Donnelly, John Francis Joseph (I19)
184 | Has an aunt Gert Welch with a married name of Miller that we believe would have to be on her dads side. Gert moved to NY for some reason. | Welch, Madge Elizabeth (I17)
185 | He was living at 335 31st street in Brooklyn when they got married. He was 23. | Fabiszak, Andrew (I94)
186 | He worked as a brakeman for the Milwaukee Railroad. He lost a leg in an accident at work. I met him only a few times. Lived at 6427 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma, WA, 98408 at one point. | McDonald, Harvey Paul (I32)
187 | Heart failure | Furey, James Edward Jr. (237)
188 | Her godparents are Michael Dwyer and Angela Walsh, baptism performed by Father Reardon. Her school records indicate she attended Our Lady of Help of Christians on Staten Island, NY from some time in 1929, starting in the last half of the 5th grade, until 1932, finishing the last half of the 8th grade. She moved out to Seattle in 1936. | Furlong, Mary Joseph (I12)
189 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I132)
190 | Her married name is Byrd. | O'Reilly, Patricia (I768)
191 | Her married name is Cotton. | O'Reilly, Rosemary (I767)
192 | Her married name is Schneider | O'Reilly, Dot (I769)
193 | His death certificate lists Charles Henry Forster as the informant and his relationship as "Executor of Estate". His address is listed as 3560 W 31st Ave. We always knew him as "Uncle Vic". Leo came out west to work for him. I don't believe he was ever married and haven't found anything to indicate he was. | Walsh, Vincent Joseph (I319)
194 | I have 2 birth years in my notes. 1 says 1888, the other 1889. Based on his marriage certificate it believe it to be 1888. Lived at 1713 S. 53rd, Tacoma in 1924. Worked as a Boiler Makers helper. | McDonald, Grover Green (I130)
195 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I134)
196 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I135)
197 | I have some notes that list her name as "Luella" the also list her married name as Green. They also say she lived in Mena, AK and owned a boarding house next to the courthouse. She divorced and remarried someone named Johnson. | McDonald, Drueilla (I138)
198 | In "Descendents of Roswell and Mary Ann (Bates) Graves" on the Internet: Shown with children shown by Ester Ann Roberts as his children by Lula M. Graves. Lima, Grant Co., Wi, 1880 Census | Dietzman, John Jacob (I466)
199 | In 1915 the marriage record lists him as 46 therefore born about 1869. The death record in 1920 however list him as 54 therefore born about 1866. | Furlong, William (I68)
200 | In 1968 she was national commander for the Disabled American Veterans Auxilliary. | Wilson, Viola Wilma (I33)